Best Fascia Blasting | Joplin MO

Fascia Blasting | 30 min | $45

 Fascia Blasting is a hands-on manupulation that works to loosen tissue, increasing blood flow and releasing fat cells so they can be eliminated naturally. Our treatment alternates facial tissue work using a combination of body oil, FacialBlaster Collection tools, hot towels, and therapeutic massage.

Professional treatment is administered by an experienced licensed massage therapist with the following benefits:

  • Break up fascial adhesions/scar tissue
  • Release fascial tightness
  • Improve structural/myofascial issues
  • Increase circulation
  • Increase access to muscle power and improve muscle definition
  •  Reduce pain and inflammation
  • Improve cellulite appearance and fat pockets
Please call us directly at (417) 624-4492, or click here to schedule an appointment.