
Cleansing Cleansing…. Our bodies were created to cleanse itself. Our main organs that do this are: COLON, The main role is to flush out toxic chemicals. LIVER,the liver acts as a filter preventing toxins from food entering the blood stream. Kidneys, these...

Fresh Air

We forget about the importance of spending time outside and underestimate the health benefits of spending time outdoors. If you ARE spending most of your time inside the air conditioned office or home, you are forcing your body to use stale air. By doing so you are...


Past studies have shown us that adverse emotional experience ( a divorce, death, etc…) is one of the biggest single factor in predicting adult health, and virtually all of us have had such experiences, (speaking of myself). What does that say about our approach...


All of us are lacking in sleep! Rest is crucial to our well being. This is when our bodies stop digestion and work on repair and recover. The period of which this happens is Rapid Eye Movement or better known as REM. There are 4 stages of REM. Interruption of REM...


Stress Stress has an effect on digestive system. During stress digestion is inhibited or stops all together. Adrenaline released during a stress response may also cause ulcers.It can effect the immune system by causing high blood pressure and hyper tension, which all...