A massage may sound like a good idea, but if you’ve never looked at all the possibilities and
variations of massages that one may receive, it can be somewhat overwhelming. While they all
serve a different purpose, each of them have a similar end goal, to better the quality of a
customer’s life. Research shows that getting a massage has many health benefits. Once people
learn of this, they become interested, yet lost when deciding which massage package to try out.
If you are unfamiliar with the massage therapy industry, here are a couple of common massage
categories that a large portion of people choose to receive regularly and why they are so
beneficial to the human body.
Swedish Massage
Even if you’ve never received a massage before, you’ve probably heard of the name Swedish
massage. So what is a Swedish massage? It is a massage that aims at bring about muscle
relaxation and help blood circulation throughout the body. A Swedish massage is good
especially for a first-timer because it offers something on a more general level. Swedish
massages are a great way to relieve stress from a busy life. Additionally, they are offered on a
60-minute, 90-minute, or 120-minute basis, accommodating your specific needs and desires.
When looking to package a massage into a gift for friends or loved ones, a Swedish massage
certificate is a great place to start.
Deep Tissue Massage
Another massage that most people have heard of at some point or another is a deep tissue
massage. This type of massage aims at releasing muscle tension and can be utilized as a post-
injury tool. Deep tissue massages go beyond that of a Swedish massage. Therefore, a massage
therapist will apply more pressure, hoping to work out tension within the muscles. It starts with
light pressure applied by the therapist, then eventually moves into deep pressure in order to
fully complete the task of a deep tissue massage. This is a great massage to try if you have scar
tissue or have multiple knots in your muscles. Specifically, this massage is offered in a 60-
minute or 90-minute session.
Chinese Cupping Therapy
Chinese Cupping Therapy has become more and more popular over the years. You’ve probably
seen pictures of people who have received this type of therapy, as it leaves red circular marks
post-massage. While these may look painful, they are not and in fact, this type of massage
therapy offers many benefits to the customer. Cupping therapy involves a heated cup being
placed on inflamed or sore muscles. The cup eventually starts to suction, which is what causes
the red marks. Cupping can be used to help relax muscles and can even improve blood flow to
applied areas. Chinese cupping therapy is offered in 30-minute sessions.
All in all, message therapy has many benefits and can improve the quality of your life. With
many differing massage and spa services, Executive Spa and Massage can give you what you’re
in search of. Call us at (417) 439-0324 or visit us at www.massagejoplinmo.com.