Best Prenatal Massage | Joplin MO

Medical massage is outcome-based massage, primarily the application of a specific treatment targeted to the specific problem(s) the patient presents with a diagnosis and are administered after a thorough assessment/evaluation by the medical massage therapist with specific outcomes being the basis for treatment.

Prenatal Massage
1 hour | $70
1.5 hours | $100

Please call us directly at (417) 624-4492, or click here to schedule an appointment.

How to Choose the Right Massage for You

How to Choose the Right Massage for You

Knowing your way around a spa's menu will help you get a massage that's tailored to your needs. •  Start with the right pro. Book your appointment with someone who has the most training. She'll be better able to adapt her moves—for instance, doing ten minutes of...

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Why You Need a Sports Massage

Why You Need a Sports Massage

Regular indulgence in spa treatments is exactly what you need to recover this offseason and ultimately improve your triathlonperformance. That's right: spa treatments. Of course, for many of you, going to a spa to relax is far from the experience you'll receive....

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