Get Rid of Unwanted Hair

It’s starting to warm up outside, which means it’s time to put away your long cozy pants and slip into shorts. For many of us, that also means dusting off our good ole razor and dealing with razor burn or cuts as we attempt to get rid of all of our winter furs. 

Executive Spa and Massage Services

At Executive Spa and Massage, we offer wax services that can aid you in removing all of that unwanted hair with longer-lasting results and a lot less hassle. Here are a few dos and don’ts before you come in for your waxing appointment. 


  • Make sure they are long enough (at least a quarter of an inch) for the wax to adhere and grab them easily.
  • Take a warm shower (not hot, as this can make skin more sensitive) before your waxing. It will help open your pores and make removing your hair easier.
  • Exfoliate with a body scrub, so the waxing strips dont have to cut through dead skin cells and oils left from your moisturizers. Theyll be able to nab hair more quickly.
  • Taking ibuprofen or aspirin about 30 minutes before your wax can help lessen the pain by slightly dulling your pain receptors.
  • Try to relax, as the tenser you are, the more youll feel the pain. Take the focus away by sucking on a mint or chewing some gum, mentally planning your day, etc.


  • Drinking coffee and other caffeinated beverages and even alcohol can make your skin much more sensitive. Try to avoid these for a few hours before you wax.
  • Although you might be tempted to numb the pain away with ice, the cold can tighten your pores, making your hairs harder to remove.
  • Dont wait until your hairs are too long to wax. This can make the process a lot longer and more uncomfortable.
  • Make sure you have enough time to get to your appointment, so youre nice and relaxed and have a happy waxing!

Contact us

Get in touch with us today, you can fill out the contact form on our website to schedule an appointment.